List of Projects

Eclipse JNoSQL

Eclipse JNoSQL is a compatible implementation of the Jakarta NoSQL specification, a Java framework that streamlines the integration of Java applications with NoSQL databases. Goals Increase

Eclipse Amlen

The main webpage for Eclipse Amlen™ is: The main component of Amlen is the server - a message broker that supports the latest MQTT v5 protocol designed for IoT (as well

Eclipse Tahu™

Eclipse Tahu™ is a set of references implementations for the Sparkplug specification. It addresses the existence of legacy SCADA/DCS/ICS protocols and infrastructures and provides a much-needed

Eclipse POOSL

Eclipse POOSL (Parallel Object-Oriented Specification Language, and the accompanying tools offer a general purpose method for describing

Eclipse ChemClipse

Eclipse ChemClipse supports the user to analyse data acquired from systems used in analytical chemistry. In particular, chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) or flame-ionization detectors (GC/FID) is used to identify and/or monitor chemical substances. It's an important task e.g. for quality control issues.

Eclipse LMOS

The Eclipse LMOS project (Language Model Operating System) is essentially a platform for building and running AI systems that can handle complex tasks. Imagine it like an operating system for your

Eclipse Automotive API Framework

Decoupling of the application logic from the basic software stack enables automotive suppliers (no matter if Tier-1 or in-house teams at an OEM) to contribute with building blocks to Software-defined

Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine

The Modeling Workflow Engine™ (MWE) supports orchestration of different Eclipse modeling components to be executed within Eclipse as well as standalone. Based on a dependency injection framework, one

Eclipse SimRel

The Eclipse Simultaneous Release process works as follows: The simrel.aggr model specifies precisely what is to be aggregated. The change-requests jobs validate each pull request to the

Eclipse Oniro for OpenHarmony

Eclipse Oniro for OpenHarmony is built upon the foundational layers of OpenHarmony, an open-source project incubated and operated by the OpenAtom Foundation. OpenHarmony is known for its distributed

Eclipse Common Security Infrastructure

The Eclipse CSI project combines technologies and practices for securing Eclipse Foundation Projects Software Supply Chain.

Eclipse Dataspace Decentralized Claims Protocol

Technical DetailsDCP defines the following protocol flows.1. Base Identity Protocol (BIP)The *Base Identity Protocol* defines how to obtain and communicate participant identities and claims using self

Eclipse Transformer

The project can mutate individual class files and thus could be used in a class loader to dynamically rename type references at runtime while classes are being loaded. This could allow a program such

Eclipse OpenMQ

Eclipse Open Message Queue (Eclipse OpenMQ™) is a complete message-oriented middleware platform, offering high quality, enterprise-ready messaging. Eclipse OpenMQ is included in GlassFish.

Eclipse Dash

Eclipse Dash is a place where the community itself collaborates on tools for community awareness and collaboration in support of our ultimate objective of committer quality and cooperation.


The AsciiDoc® Top Level Project is a collaborative, open source initiative at the Eclipse Foundation to develop projects and pursue ideas that advance the AsciiDoc language and its ecosystem of

Eclipse LSP4MP - Language Server for MicroProfile

A language server implementation based on the Language Server Protocol for MicroProfile programming model. This Language Server for MicroProfile (LSP4MP) will provide core language support

Eclipse Jifa

Jifa stands for "Java Issues Finding Assistant". This project originated from an internal system that was designed to improve the efficiency of diagnosing Java heap related issues that occurred in the

Eclipse Amalgam

The intention of the Modeling Amalgam™ project proposal is to augment the current Modeling project with one focused solely on refining the "user experience" when using Modeling project technologies.

Eclipse Ditto

Eclipse Ditto™ is a framework for providing the "Digital Twin" pattern for IoT applications in order to interact with IoT devices. That means that Ditto mirrors physical devices as digital